This page provides all the necessary information for organizing your trip to the exhibition.
Hotel offers
Please take advantage of special offers from the exhibition's partner hotels. The offer is limited and valid during the exhibition period, including the setup days.
You can also take advantage of the services provided by the travel agency ML Tour, which offers the following services to exhibition participants and visitors:
Reservation of other hotels
Organization of transfers, airport and train station pick-ups and drop-offs. Special offer during the exhibition period.
Booking and issuance of air and train tickets. Direct prices.
Visa support for foreign citizens to obtain a visa to Kazakhstan.
Services of guides, interpreters, and simultaneous translators.
Selection of venues for business meetings and negotiations.
Cultural and entertainment programs and excursions.
VIP services (VIP lounge at the airport, premium class cars, services for organizing closed meetings, business meetings, etc.)
For more detailed information, please contact ML Tour: